Friday, September 9, 2022

The Lebanese do not understand what is happening in Ukraine

Today I was hearing a Lebanese talk show on a media organisation that is supposed to be pro-Western. The participants were from what is called the opposition.  Strangely enough, I had a feeling of hearing maga participants on Fox news, no better to say Russian 'intellectuals' on Russia today. 

According to them, Europe is in a state of famine, freezing in winter, and in darkness. I felt that the situation here is more dire than Lebanon. No mention of the fact that gas reserves increased by folds since April. No mention at all of the fact that what is required is to reduce heating by one or two degrees only. Oblivious of the fact that citizens are getting cash assistance with electricity bills and many countries are setting caps on energy costs. And most importantly no mention or consideration of the fact that the people of Europe are until today overwhelmingly supporting Ukraine in a war they consider between democracy and freedom against authoritarianism. Many EU countries and most East European countries have citizens that consider Putin a threat to their existence. But then the Lebanese participants in the discussion do not give any consideration or weight to what the people want, democracy is not a factor. 😏 

Hearing them Russia is unaffected by the sanctions and winning the war with a mighty army. No mention of the logistics problems the Russian army is facing. No mention of the fact that pro war Russian bloggers are starting to recognize that Russia is losing. It did not achieve the occupation of Kiev and the ousting of Zelinski. That was its initial strategic aim. Not to mention what happened all through the last six months, just look at the latest Ukranian counter offensive that succeeded and prevented Russia to implement a referendum in the Russian occupied regions. They neglect the war crimes committed and still view Putin as a strong leader and Russia a superpower. They admire the Russian Zaim. But then, why to be surprised, many Zaim got a majority of votes during the last Lebanese Parliamentary elections. 🙃

Strangely, according to them Hezbollah is mightier than Israel. They talk about Israeli concerns about the economic consequences of missiles hitting Israel. One could imagine that Israel is in the grasp of an existential economic crisis. Really, how? No concern about the existential economic consequences on Lebanon. But then Lebanon is already a failed state, so why to worry about more? 😏

And the most laughable is the analysis about the strength of Iran, the new superpower whose people are living in poverty and misery, not allowed to protest. And how Democrats have historically been weak on the international scenes mentioning Obama and Clinton. Really? What about Clinton's intervention in the Yugoslav war?  What about the historical facts

World War II: Franklin D. Roosevelt. Korean war: Harry S. Truman. Vietnam War: Lyndon B. Johnson , John F. Kennedy (Cuba crisis)

They should check their background information before making statements. Are these people the Lebanese opposition intelligentsia? Kaftaesque!

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