Monday, September 12, 2022

Media frenzy diminishes my sadness about death of Queen Elisabeth

 Two days ago, I wrote

Strange that a person like me would be positive about a Prince or a King? True, but today I cannot except respect Queen Elizabeth II. She represents stability, decency, and public service at a time when people have lost faith in politicians and heads of state. Remember Trump, Johnson, Orban, and many more around the world. She served her country until her last breath. And until the people of the UK decide to change their form of government I will give King Charles, their head of state, the consideration he deserves. I admire his early on environmental commitment.

Today I say enough is enough! 

Ukraine made extraordinary advances in Russian occupied territories. More than 20 settlements were recovered, Russians soldiers retreated leaving behind them ammunition and weapons.  Many surrendered. It is said that Russian army stopped sending reinforcements and there are reports of Putin retreating to Sochi. The battle going on affects us all in Europe and all over the world, whether it is the energy crisis, inflation, or democracy versus autocracy.

Sweeden is witnessing an election where a neo-Nazi party is winning. Swedish rightwing on verge of narrow election win. Bloc including far-right Sweden Democrats on course for one-seat majority with last votes to be counted. Sweden had been a model of democracy and social system for so long that nobody paid attention to what is happening. Another failure for the European elitist left that became separated from the voters and their concerns.

Swedes received a startling reminder of the SD’s anti-liberal traditions immediately after the election when one of its best-known figures, Rebecka Fallenkvist, was filmed at a Sunday night election party repeatedly giving a salute similar to the Nazi “sieg heil”. The party’s press secretary said Fallenkvist was drunk and “it came out wrong”.

Trying to understand what is happening, All I can find on CNN and France 2 and other channels is rehashing of the processes of Queen Elisabeth funerals and analysis of King Charles procession. A real soap opera! Thanks God for social media and Newspapers. 

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