Friday, April 21, 2023

Why Biden as well as Trump should not run again

 I admire Biden for his policies and agenda. He is one of the greatest American presidents. He passed an infrastructure bill that will have positive consequences for the US economy eventually. He pushed for better distribution of wealth measures. He pushed hard for gun control. This is among many other policies.

On the international scene he regained alliances badly undermined by Trump. He regained some credibility for the US on the international scene.

So why am I against his running for a second term? He is old, quite old. Sadly, he should have been elected for the first time in 2016. Democrats missed on this when they chose Hilary Clinton. 

I am in my late sixties so cannot be accused of ageism. I am old, he is much older. It is true that today my experience gives me a strength I did not have when I was much younger. Yet, I am no longer as fit as I was. I am active, working a lot. But to be honest, after 65, I started feeling the weight of age. I do not multitask as easily as before, my stamina, compared to my previous performance, is less. Physically, I get tired easily and have much less endurance. And most of all I lack the punch and will to fight I had; I am cautious. I have a lot to give, but to be honest, not in leadership positions, rather I see my role in mentoring. And Biden could be a remarkably effective mentor.

Sadly, the political party system is all about competition between ideological factions and more so personal gain and personal ambitions. So, the new President will want his own team with an eye on the next elections rather than a cooperative process to promote an agenda even if it is for public good.

As I said I admire Biden, but when I see him talking or moving, I see an old man, not an energetic leader. An image that will not bode well with voters.

When I see Trump, I see an old bitter angry man rambling. On top of not approving his policies and the MAGA version of the Republicans. So, the same argument goes.

If Trump runs and Biden runs against him, then two negatives annul each other. But if a young energetic Republican runs, then it is a problem for aging Biden. Even crazy DeSantis can be more attractive. 

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