Sunday, January 16, 2022

Time to adjust our focus in relation to covid-19 and vaccination

Didier Raoult se lâche : "Est-ce que la vaccination sert à quelque chose ? La réponse est non"

I am not a medical expert so will not enter into the scientific debate. However, I can comment on the logic of the argument. 

To determine whether vaccines are useful or not; the issue is not how many people were infected, rather it is how many people got ill.  Another relevant data is the proportion of those infected in relation to those that are vaccinated and those who are not vaccinated. 

I think that it is time for statistics to shift from focus and evaluation of number of infections to number of hospitalisation. Because after all this is what is important now. The pandemic should be evaluated according to actual priorities and not how it used to be. 

Noting here that data about number of infections does not stand in countries where people have to pay for the test. In countries such as Lebanon, people rarely test themselves except if they are rich or when the symptoms are dramatic enough to drive the person to seek medical help. And often people die as a resultant of covid-19 infection without being diagnosed.

Worldwide, countries implemented first lockdowns and then mask mandates, and then launched vaccination campaigns. These measures curbed hospitalisation levels and contained the virus. 

It is time now to shift the way we evaluate progress and containment. 

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