Sunday, December 9, 2018

Brexit: a playground squabble?

Cabinet splits over second referendum on Brexit deal

Split over what?

From where I stands it looks to me like a squabble of children over who wins rather than a discussion over people lives and the future of a nation.

The Brexiteers want to restore the old empire status by replacing the EU 'queue jumpers' with immigrants from old colonies. Because it seems that culturally these people are closer to the British culture than Europeans. Don't we all know that island England has nothing to do with savages on the continent!
Because let us be realistics there are not English people to fill all the jobs in construction, services, care, and so many other sectors. Not scientific but if one visits England you meet EU citizens in all hotels and restaurants and shop rather than 'true Brits'.

The Brexiteers want sovereignty over laws and mainly to get rid of social justice regulation for workers and health regulations over food and so many issues related to quality of life. Good luck to blue collars who, by voting Brexit, voted for less job security, no pay guarantees, no social benefits, and  for mothers who voted for permissive health standards for the food they give their kids. Won't everybody be happier in a tax haven and non regulated trade zone!

The Brexiteers want to trade with the world, but not with kraut and snail eaters who today are one of the biggest prosperous trade zones in the world. No trade barriers with EU cannot equate with no trade barriers with India or China. They are sure the trade balance with these countries will be in favour of the Empire. (sic)

The Labour party wants... do you have any idea what they want?
Except getting Corbyn to become Prime Minister, even if it means ruling an economically broken country. Or more probably being in opposition in a country of rampant unabated capitalism.

Cheers to all!
The English political class is very responsible and has the interests of the people as priority. Really?
And the English people are driven by primal nationalist sentiment with no access to real information or knowledge.
They are not alone, democracy is working well also for the Russians, Americans, Austrians, Italians and so may others.....
Salute to a disappointing century.

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