Saturday, January 21, 2017

Partisan or failed media?

Hearing the analysis of Trump inauguration on a US international media broadcast made me wonder about an issue that gave me food for though for long.

Is the media failing to play its role of providing balanced relevant information to the public? Is it an important factor in the formation of a public opinion that seems polarized to the extremes, intolerant, and unable to hold politicians accountable for what they say?

I cannot pretend to hold the answer, all I can say is that the coverage of the inaugural seemed to me an exercise in futility, as deep as a tea cup.

I am no fan of Trump, in fact, he represents all that I fought against all my life. He is the epitome of national socialism.
But comparing him to Obama all the time saying that Obama is a unifier while Trump will not be is ridiculous, specially that Trump never pretended being a unifier, he always presents himself as somebody elected to shake the system.
Obama was not able to pass any of the policies that constituted his main election promises. Even Obama care was passed by executive order. Obama was not able to get his own party on-board, so how he can be a unifier? Just because he makes nice speeches?

Then moving to analyse the inaugural speech again on the basis of a comparison with Obama as to the relation of the US with the world is counter productive.
And more so by talking about the role of the US in the world. Get real! Obama doctrine was leading from behind. The result is an empowered Putin that is the major player in the Middle East and is threatening ex Soviet bloc European countries. After eight years of Obama nobody trust the US, it undermined an important ally like Turkey, an drew red lines without keeping their commitment.

Then in comparing the first ladies as to style... honestly I do not care, but I do not understand how anybody can say that Evana is not stylish.

In fact, the coverage by insisting on comparing Obama and Trump was not able to address the real concerns of a Trump presidency, and they are many.
Comparison is taking sides with one against the other, and thus delegitimizing the criticism.
It seemed to me that they are taking the easy way out.
It does not require real analysis based on research and fact check.

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