Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Stop Trump campaign, the doom of Republicans

The "stop Trump campaign" is the most ridiculous political movement the Republican party ever launched. Independent of who Trump is or what he represents, he is winning. He has a real following among the Republican following. He has revitalized a party that seemed to have lost its direction. From a party that represents an economic vision it turned into a party that relies on social conservatism for votes.

"Stop Trump campaign" is a movement against Trump. It is not a movement for something or anything. It is ridiculous. What will be the message in their campaign against the Democrats? How will they explain to the voters what they are for? They are advertisement to be for "stop Trump"! A party promoting a negation? Get real, it is more ridiculous that the showmanship of Trump.

I wonder how will the American electorate react?
If they vote for a negation, then I can say without any doubt that it is the demise of the democratic process in the United States of America.
It is frightening.

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