Saturday, November 21, 2015

Is Daesh wining the war?

When the Paris attack happened I wrote a post titled Why is Daesh winning the war.
Today, with the horror in Brussels, I saw a drawing by Tunisian cartoonist in solidarity joining the pain of Paris, Brussels, and Bardo.

I just want to say
How many times we have to say it, when will this madness stop? We would add to this drawing Istanbul, Ankara, Beirut, Baghdad, and many other cities and communities. No place is safe, nobody is spared. It remains important to note that their aim is to separate and divide according to narrow sectarian lines. They justify their existence by polarization and clash of civilization. The only way to fight them is to promote tolerance and inclusiveness.
and hope that we will see more efforts to solve the Syrian and Iraqi crises that are fueling terror by addressing the underlying causes rather than only indiscriminate brute force.

Original post was
Nicolas Hénin, a Frenchman was held hostage by Isis. quoting from an article published in The Gardian 
"In Syria I learned that Islamic State longs to provoke retaliation. We should not fall into the trap. They fear our unity more than our airstrikes" 
"Central to their world view is the belief that communities cannot live together with Muslims, and every day their antennae will be tuned towards finding supporting evidence. The pictures from Germany of people welcoming migrants will have been particularly troubling to them. Cohesion, tolerance – it is not what they want to see."

Quoting from an article in the Daily Mail 
Professor Greg Barton from Deakin University in Australia said: 
'They would have known that the documents would not have been atomised by the blast. It could be a way for ISIS to fan the flames of hatred towards migrants. Their recruitment would be helped by this suspicion of migrants'. 
Several terrorist operations around the world, culminating with this week's Paris events resulted in

  • A Europe without borders was a dream come true, today we see walls rise around Europe and within Europe.
  • EU countries alter the Schengen agreement and restore borders checks. I wonder if this has any security value. It is just that each European country wants to believe that his security forces are better at detecting terrorists.
  • Syrian asylum seekers are blamed for the terrorist operations though the majority of the actors are home grown
  • In Toronto a Mosque is put ablaze
  • A leftist French government puts in place an emergency rule and declares security has priority over freedom.
  • All over Europe extreme right politicians say at high voice what they could not say in the past "out with the Muslims, Arabs, and all foreigners"
  • A US Democrat is requiring that the US withdraws the visa weaver for EU passport holders
  • Donald Trump, presidential candidate in the US suggests that Muslim Americans should carry IDs that determines their religion. Maybe a small reminder of the Jewish yellow stars of the Nazi era?
  • Another US Presidential hopeful, Ben Carson compares the Syrian asylum seekers with rabbid dogs
and and and ... people seem to accept blindly the bigotry forgetting ethics and values of democracy ...

Reading about the rise of national socialism, I find frightening connotations.

National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism (/ˈnaːtsɪzᵊm/), is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and Nazi state as well as other far-right groups.


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