Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Obama/Putin: it is becoming grotesque

I have been refraining from writing for a long period, I am utterly disillusioned about the “age of Aquarius”, but lately the Iranian, Russian, and American “bla bla bla” I am hearing pierced my sel-made cocoon.

It is becoming grotesque. 

Putin coldly asserts that the Syrians are fleeing Daesh, not Assad. I wonder if he saw the pictures of what barrel bombs dropped on civilian areas do? The UN said that the barrel bombs kill more civilians than any other weapons. These barrel bombs are carried by planes he is still supplying to Assad.
Obama coldly acknowledges that Assad is dropping barrel bombs on civilians. He does not mention what he did to stop barrel bombs - sometimes filled with chlorine - that are the biggest killer of civilians in Syria today? Among other pandering he is refused to assist in the creation of no-fly safe zones where civilians can live without fear of the death dropping from the skies.
Rouhani of Iran coldly declares that Iran re-established democracy in Iraq and now is acting to do the same in Syria. Here I prefer not to comment. But then he goes on demanding that US behaves better with his people so that they can cooperate. And Americans nod their head in agreement awed by the power of Iran… burlesque… no?!
Then all of them followed by the European poodle declare their war on Daesh!

This war is viewed by many in this doomed region of the world that happens to be in majority Sunni as a Christian/ Shia war on them. That is the sad reality that will keep on fuelling the furnace of fundamentalism.

Did I tell you about a Syrian friend of mine who happens to be a secular Sunni, meaning not veiled and not practicing who has a 13 year old boy who does not pray or fast and who decided to join Daesh?! The boy feels cornered and he views Daesh as the only people who can give him back his dignity and stench his rage at the Obama, Putin, and “West” stupid uttering. She does not know what to do and how to deal with it. Any mother of a teenager can understand her anxiety.

Her, and any one of us who ever believed in “democratic values” are victims of the fall of ethics we are witnessing today in international politics and the failure of the United Nations to protect civilians and hold war criminals accountable.
Four years ago, the same people who today are ready to fight with Daesh or whatever extremist group that mushrooms were taking to the street praising the US and Western values. One more missed opportunity for a doomed region, one more betrayal that leads to chaos.

If  it wasn’t so sad it would be Kafkaesque.
Sorry for ranting, but it is becoming too much to bear.

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