Thursday, March 5, 2015

Is the Fourth Wave a regression to the Dark Ages?

The world of today is frightening. 

We hear supposedly intelligent people repeating like parrots Samuel P. Huntington’s theory of the “clash of civilizations” or Hans Köchler’s theory of “dialogue of civilizations”. Does anybody realize what this means?

It is determining the identity of people by their culture or religion. It is accepting predestination and stagnation. You are ruled by where you are born and do not have a chance to change, this is what it means.
It is the same belief that ruled Europe prior to the Renaissance and the age of Enlightenment, the concepts that were theoretically behind the war of roses, the 100 year war, the inquisition, and the crusades.

It negates Sartre, Rousseau, Marx, Adam Smith, Ricardo, and Washington. It negates the industrial revolution, the third wave, and globalization.
It negates the nation-state and globalization.
It negates democracy as it says there is no mobility between religions, ethnicity, and cultures.
It destroys the theory of power struggle based on resources and economic development or class struggle.
Let us not forget that we often talk about class culture so it promotes the caste system.

According to many

  • Now it is Daesh against the world because Daesh represents the Levant Muslims and the Western Christian civilization represents the World. So it is a clash of civilizations; Levantine against Hellenic.
  • Now it is also Daesh representing Sunni Islam against Iran which is Shia Islam; so it is a clash of cultures; Arabs against Persians.
  • Now it is Daesh representing the dark skinned people of the MENA against the fair haired people of Europe, so it is the clash of ethnicity.

I could go on forever…

Sadly, many people believe that the struggle is a clash of cultures or civilizations.
They cannot see the underlying economic and social instigating factors.
They do not see the “game of nations” part where national interests overrule ethical or humanitarian considerations.

Finally, if it is a “clash of civilizations”
can somebody explain to me the reason two young Lebanese Christians are today fighting with Daesh?
can somebody then explain to me the reason many Germans of Germanic descent are today fighting with Daesh?
can somebody then explain to me the reason why young men who never prayed in their life are today fighting with Daesh?

Yes the world is a frightening place when we are plunging willingly into a new Dark Ages period.

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