Monday, February 11, 2013

Patriarch Rai renounces the legacy of Pope John Paul II

He went to Syria, hosted by a regime that indiscriminately air bombs its own people, tortures children, has institutionalized rape, rips the throats of singers who chant freedom, and said 
“Every person who is killed, every time blood is spilled, tears flow from the eyes of Christ. Human life is invaluable, and there are no so-called reforms, human rights or democracies that are worth the blood of one innocent man,”

He forgot that Pope John Paul II valuing the so called human rights said "We are all called upon to do everything possible to banish from society not only the tragedy of war but also every violation of human rights 

He forgot that Pope John Paul II declared “The Church calls everyone to make faith a reality in their lives, as the best path . . . for attaining true freedom, which includes the recognition of human rights and social justice." 

He stepped over the legacy of John Paul II that has been credited with being the spiritual inspiration behind the downfall communism in Central and Eastern Europe. 
John Paul valued human life, but valued the dignity of life and the march towards freedom and human rights. In the late 70's, there were in Poland bloody clashes between workers and police. Five priests disappeared in a short period of time. The police killed a popular student leader. John Paul II, then known as Cardinal Wojtyla became more and more outspoken, calling openly and concretely for the "right to atmosphere of genuine freedom untrammeled ..un-threatened; an atmosphere of inner freedom, of freedom from fearing what may befall me if I act this way or go to that place." 

This is what Syrians were calling for when they stayed for months in the streets chanting and clapping to show that they are not armed. Since the first day, the Assad regime faced them with bullets and arrests. The death rate was 20 to 30 per day. 

In 1979, Pope John Paul II addressing those who were struggling against communism in Warsaw simply said: 'Do not be afraid', and later prayed: 'Let your Spirit descend and change the image of the land... this land'. Cardinal Rai told the believers that so-called reforms, human rights or democracies that are not worth it. He did not pray for change in the land. He told worshipers outside the church: “[I pray] that the consciences of local, regional and international leaders are inspired to put an immediate end to the war in dear Syria ... and bring peace through dialogue.” 

Again he forgot the words of John Paul II "True holiness does not mean a flight from the world; rather, it lies in the effort to incarnate the Gospel in everyday life, in the family, at school and at work, and in social and political involvement." 


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